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Mining Pool

Revenue & Payments

Understanding revenue calculations and payment processing with Luxor

What is FPPS (Full Pay-Per-Share)?

Understanding FPPS in Bitcoin Mining

Full Pay-Per-Share (FPPS) is a mining pool payment model that ensures miners receive consistent and predictable earnings based on their contributed hash rate. It is an enhanced version of the traditional Pay-Per-Share (PPS) model, incorporating both block rewards and transaction fees into miner payouts.

How Does FPPS Work?

  • Miners are rewarded based on the number of valid shares they submit to the pool, independent of whether the pool finds a block.
  • The payout rate is calculated using expected block rewards and recent transaction fee revenue.
  • Pools using FPPS take on the variance risk, ensuring miners receive stable daily payouts.

Key Benefits of FPPS

  • Guaranteed Earnings: Miners receive a fixed payout per share, reducing reliance on block discovery luck.
  • Includes Transaction Fees: Unlike basic PPS, FPPS accounts for transaction fees, increasing miner revenue.
  • Stable and Predictable Income: FPPS eliminates earnings fluctuations caused by Bitcoin's block luck.

Luxor is a purchaser of hashrate. FPPS pools purchase hashrate from miners at an agreed rate. In the case of Luxor, we purchase hashrate from you at a discount to spot FPPS (discount to spot is commonly known as pool fees).

Learn more about Hashprice here.

Managing your payment settings

Payment Options

Luxor offers three payout frequency options:

  • Daily Payouts: Payments are processed every day.
  • Weekly Payouts: Payments are processed once per week, users are able to define the day of the week.
  • Monthly Payouts: Payments are processed the first day of every month.

In all cases, the system requires that a subaccount must hold a balance exceeding the minimum withdrawal threshold plus associated withdrawal fees to be eligible for payment. For instance, with BTC these are 0.0002 and 0.000075 respectively, which means that for a subaccount to be paid, its balance needs to be greater than 0.000275 when the next scheduled payment cycle occurs.

Below is a list of minimum withdrawal thresholds and withdrawal fees for all supported currencies:

PoolMin thresholdWithdrawal fee

In all cases, payments are processed shortly after 04:00 UTC, assuming balance requirements are met.

Editing your payment settings

Payment settings are defined at the subaccount-currency level. These can be found in the Payment Settings page, which provides a comprehensive view of all subaccounts and their associated payout configurations, including:

  • Current balance
  • Next payout schedule
  • Payout frequency
  • Associated addresses

Payment settings page

To edit the Payment Settings of a subaccount, click the Edit button located in the top-right corner of each subaccount row. Within the Payment Settings modal, you can update:

  • Payment frequency (Daily/Weekly/Monthly)
  • Associated payout addresses and their identifiers
  • Revenue split percentage, if multiple payout addresses are specified

Payment settings modal

If 2FA authentication is enabled, you must complete verification before making changes to payment settings. If Workspace Approvals are enabled, an authorized user must approve the request before the changes take effect. Once the payment settings are successfully updated, subaccount funds will be temporarily frozen for 24 hours as a security measure.

Withdrawal Fees

Withdrawal fees (also known as network fees) are used to execute your payment on the blockchain and are required for every transaction. Transaction fees can vary significantly depending on several market factors. At Luxor, we have set this fee to a flat 0.000075 BTC for our Bitcoin users. This ensures consistent and predictable payments for our pool users, regardless of current market conditions.

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