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Getting Started

Learn how to install LuxOS on your miners using Luxor's Commander.

Download LuxOS Commander

Access Device by IP Address

Select Miner IP In Commander

Open Commander

Select Configure Networks (Top right corner)

Input IP range or individual IP addresses of desired miners

Press ‘add’

Select IP address or range you wish to scan

Press save changes

Press ‘Scan Network’

Select Your Miner

In the dashboard, select the miners you wish to install LuxOS on.

Note: if you have another third party firmware installed you are able to uninstall via Commander as well. Uninstall 3rd Party Firmware with Commander

Install LuxOS

After selecting the miner, click the "Install LuxOS" button.

Configure Feature Settings During Installation Before installation, you have the option to “Configure Installation”, which allows you to enable features like Autotuner and Advanced Thermal Management (ATM). These can also be configured after installation. Wait for the installation process to complete, which may take a few minutes. Note* You can decide how many parallel machines to install at one time by using the settings (top right) within Commander. Default is 10 machines at a time.

Enable Auto-Tuner

Select the miners you want to configure. Once selected, press the “Configure Miners” button. Enable Autotuner from Commander Under “Power” navigate to “Autotuner Mode” and select “Enable” Press “Review” then “Apply” Autotuner will find the lowest possible power consumption to maintain a desired frequency (hashrate)

Use Advanced Thermal Management

Go back to that same configuration menu but this time navigate to “ATM” which stands for “Advanced Thermal Management” Enable ATM from Commander Select the “Max Profile” you would like your miner to attempt to push to. It will only push to this level if it is able to do so while remaining below the designated “hot board temperature” which can be set under “general settings”. We recommend the default to avoid damaging your miners. ATM will find the highest possible profile to run (up to the max profile) while maintaining a safe temperature.

Leaving min profile as undefined will allow your machine to under clock itself as much as necessary to get to a safe temperature.

You can visit the Advanced Thermal Management and Recommended Settings documentation pages to learn more about this feature.

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