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Mining Pool


Understanding and organizing your mining operations with Luxor Workspaces

Introduction to Workspaces

A Workspace in Luxor is a dedicated environment that defines a user's scope of access and operations across all Luxor products. It acts as a contextual container that determines what data, settings, and resources are available at any given time.

When a user selects a Workspace, they only see and manage the resources associated with that specific Workspace, including:

  • Subaccounts: Only subaccounts belonging to the selected Workspace are visible and manageable.
  • API Keys: Only API keys generated within the selected Workspace are accessible.
  • Referral Codes: Referral codes specific to the Workspace are displayed.
  • Watcher Links: Users can only view and manage watcher links related to the selected Workspace.

Key features of Workspaces include:

  • A role-based permissions system.
  • Activity Logs to track all relevant actions.
  • Two-party Approvals system for critical actions.
  • Subaccount Groups for organizing and managing access at a granular level.

Creating and Managing Workspaces

Creating a Workspace

By default you are assigned a new Workspace after signup, but you can belong to multiple Workspaces. You can create a new Workspace by following these steps:

  • Navigate to the Workspace dropdown located at the top right of the Luxor app
  • Click on "Create a New Workspace"
  • Provide a name for your new Workspace and click on "Create Workspace"

Switching Workspaces

You can switch the active Workspace by selecting one from the Workspace dropdown located at the top right of the Luxor app. This will change the content and data you have access to.

Workspace settings

You can access the Workspace settings by visiting the Workspaces page and clicking on the Workspace settings button (⚙️ icon). Please make sure the right Workspace is selected in the Workspaces dropdown selector. Once in the Workspace settings page you can:

  • Rename a Workspace: Specify a new name and click "Save"
  • Delete a Workspace: Click on "Delete", and accept the follow-up confirmation modal
  • Enable/Disable approvals: This will enable the Approvals flow. For disabling it, you will need an approval from an authorized Workspace member.
  • Enable/Disable 2FA requirement: This will enforce 2FA for all your Workspace members, otherwise they won't be able to use Luxor app with this Workspace.

Workspaces Overview Page

User Roles and Permissions

Roles allow users to control access across the Luxor app. A user can be assigned different roles across different products (currently Pools only). Within the Pools product, a user can also be granted different roles in different groups of subaccounts (more on this below).

We currently support the following roles:

  • Owner: Has full control, including Workspace-level actions like enabling/disabling the approvals flow and requiring 2FA for team members. Can change roles of Admins and Standard users.
  • Admin: Can perform mutations and manage roles of Standard users.
  • Standard: Read-only access.

Please find below a mapping of actions that can be performed within Luxor Pool app and the Workspace role associated with each. It is also specified whether the action is tracked in the Activity log, and if it can be subject to Approval requests (if Approvals are enabled).

Action nameOwnerAdminStandardActivity logApprovals flow
Invite member
Revoke access to Standard member
Revoke access to Admin member
Change member role
Create subaccount group
Delete subaccount group
Edit groups from a subaccount
View Workspace Overview, Activity Log and Settings
View Workspace Referrals, Watcher Links and API keys
Enable Admin approval flowN.A.
Disable Admin approval flow
Enforce 2FA
Change Workspace name
Delete Workspace
View API Keys
Create API Key
Delete API Key
Create watcher link
Delete watcher link
Create referral code
Delete referral code
Create subaccount
Remove subaccount
Delete (inactive) Workers
View Mining, Reports and Payment settings pages
Change payment settings of a subaccount


Understanding Subaccounts

A subaccount in the Luxor Mining Pool is an independent account under a main user profile that allows miners to organize, manage, and monitor their mining operations more effectively. Subaccounts are particularly useful for miners operating multiple mining farms, managing different mining clients, or separating mining activities by region, hardware type, or profitability strategy.

  • Each subaccount has its own:
    • Hash rate and mining statistics
    • Funds balance
    • Worker monitoring and performance tracking
    • Unique payout settings (wallet addresses, minimum payout thresholds)
  • Miners can create multiple subaccounts within a single Luxor account to manage different mining setups efficiently.
  • Each subaccount has a unique username used for connecting mining devices to the pool.
  • Permissions to access subaccounts can be granted to other Luxor profiles from the Workspace section, by creating a group of subaccounts and adding members of your Workspace to it.

Subaccount Groups

Subaccount groups allow users to organize and manage permissions at a more granular level within the Mining Pool app. A Workspace Owner can create groups and assign subaccounts to these, then they can assign different Workspace members to these groups under different roles. Both subaccounts and Workspace members can belong to multiple subaccount groups, enabling flexible permission structures.

For instance, a Workspace owner could decide to arrange the Workspace permissions structure as follows:

Texas SiteUser 1 (Owner), User 2 (Admin), User 3 (Standard)subaccount 1, subaccount 2
Infinity SiteUser 1 (Owner), User 4 (Admin), User 5 (Standard)subaccount 3, subaccount 4

How to create a Subaccount

  • Access the Workspace page
  • Click on the "+ Subaccount" button
  • Specify a name for your subaccount and click "Add"

Mining page

Permissions Management

You can assign permissions to users as follows:

Access "Overview" under the Workspace menu to see all Workspace members and subaccounts associated with a group of subaccounts. You can use the "Group" controller to switch across subaccount groups.

From there, users can perform the following actions:

  • Create a subaccount group
  • Invite a user to the group
  • Change role of a user in that group
  • Remove a user from the group
  • Add a subaccount to the group
  • Remove a subaccount from the group

Activity Log

Tracked Actions

The Workspace Activity log tracks a comprehensive set of actions that take place within the Workspace. Please refer to the table in the User Roles and Permissions section for actions currently tracked in the Activity log.

Viewing Activity Logs

  • Access "Activity" under the Workspace menu.
  • Each action in the Activity log provides the following information:
    • Action: Describes the action performed.
    • Initiated By: Displays the user who initiated the action, together with a timestamp for when it was initiated.
    • Status: Shows the action status, with five possible options:
      • Completed: The action was performed
      • Cancelled: An approval request was triggered, but the initiator cancelled the request before it was accepted/rejected by someone else
      • Expired: An approval request was triggered, but the request expired before someone accepted/rejected it
      • Rejected: An approval request was triggered, but someone rejected it
      • Pending: The action has not terminated. This is because an approval request was triggered and someone needs to approve/reject it, or because it is a Workspace invite that a user is pending to accept.
    • Approved By: Displays the name of the approver if applicable, together with the timestamp for when it was approved.
  • You can click on each of these actions to open a modal that includes contextual information for the action.
  • You can download a CSV file using the button located in the top right side of the page.
  • You can filter the Activity log by Action, Status or Date, using the filter buttons located above the list of actions. These filters will also be applied to CSV downloads.

Activity Log Page Action Details Modal


What are Approvals?

  • Certain critical actions require a two-party approvals flow for added security.
  • By default, the approval system is disabled and can be enabled in Workspace Settings.
  • For an approval request to be triggered, the following conditions need to be met:
    • A critical action is attempted
    • The approvals system is enabled
    • There is at least one Admin who can approve/deny the request
  • After a Workspace member initiates an action that triggers an approval request, all other Workspace members eligible to approve/deny it are notified via email.
  • An approval request expires after 24 hours if no authorized party has approved it. If this occurs and you want the action to be approved, try to perform it again to trigger another approval request.

Scope of an Approval

Most of the time, the scope of the action is the subaccount group that a subaccount currently belongs to. For example, if a user attempts to invite a member to a group, an approval request is triggered if there is at least one Admin in that group, and the action is performed if at least one Admin accepts the request.

The only exception to this rule is disabling the Approvals flow in a Workspace, since it is an action at the Workspace level. In this case, any Owner/Admin of any group can approve the approval request.

Other Workspace features

The following features are tied to the Workspace, but only accessible to the Workspace owner:

  • Watcher Links: From this section, Workspace owners can see existing Watcher Links and create new ones. Watcher Links are view-only versions of the Mining page that you can share with third parties or technicians to monitor workers and hashrate. These can be created for one or multiple subaccounts.
  • Referrals: From this section, Workspace owners can see existing referral codes and create new ones.
  • Public API keys: From this section, Workspace owners can see a list of existing API keys and create new ones. While Workspace owners can see the list of API keys, the actual key values will not be displayed—they are only displayed at key creation time, for security purposes.