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Firmware/API Docs

Getting Started


For easier integration with existing tools, LUXminer supports a rich API layer that can be used either for visualization (a custom or alternative dashboard, for example), as well as for scripting (controlling you miner settings remotely).

The API follows the same pattern as the CGMiner API, that is, a raw TCP (not HTTP) connection which accepts commands in text or json format, and outputs the result accordingly, closing the connection immediately afterwards. This "strange" behavior might come as a surprise, but this pattern was created at the early days of mining and it stuck on the community.

Despite supporting both text and json formats, it is recommended to always use JSON, since the format is much less ambiguous and easy to parse in any modern language.

The format is selected depending on your input; if you send a JSON object, you will receive a JSON response; otherwise it will be parsed as text.

Command input format

All commands are represented by a JSON object with two parameters: "command" and "parameter". The "command" parameter is, as the name suggests, the command name, and "parameter" is always a string with comma-separated values, and can be omitted. You can also specify more than one command to be executed on a single request, separating them with +, as long as they all are parameterless.

Example of a single, parameterless command:

{ "command": "version" }

Example of a command with one parameter:

{ "command": "asc", "parameter": "0" }

Example of a command with three parameters. Note that the last parameter is required, but it is blank in this example, so you still need the comma at the end.

{ "command": "addpool", "parameter": "stratum+tcp://,account.miner," }

Example of multiple commands in a single request. This will only work if all commands are parameterless:

{ "command": "version+summary" }

Command output format

All commands use the same pattern for output. Let us take a quick look at it:

  "<COMMAND>": [
  "STATUS": [
      "Code": 72,
      "Description": "<DESCRIPTION>",
      "Msg": "<MSG>",
      "STATUS": "S",
      "When": 1672770090
  "id": 1

The <COMMAND> is normally the name of the command, in upper case. For a given command, it is always the same, and it is always an array with elements in with <COMMAND-DATA> shape, except in two cases:

  1. On the stats, the first item in the array have a different format, for compatibility reasons.
  2. Some commands do not have an output, like addpool. In those cases, you will only get the STATUS part of the response.

The STATUS is always present and contains a Code for the response, Description and Msg fields (which vary depending on the command) and the Unix timestamp of when the command was executed on the When field. The most important, however, is the STATUS field, which can be either S for success or E for error, in which case the Msg will be used as an error message. Last, the id exists for compatibility reasons and is always 1; it is virtually useless, since every command closes the TCP connection.

Always use the STATUS = S when checking wether a command was successful or not. Do not use the response Code for that; this field can be changed between LUXminer versions due to compatibility reasons with existing tools.

For multiple commands in a single request, the format is very similar:

// for {"command":"cmd1+cmd2"}
  "cmd1": [
    // NORMAL OUTPUT OF 'cmd1'
  "cmd2": [
    // NORMAL OUTPUT OF 'cmd2'
  "id": 1

The "normal output" is everything that the command normally returns, including the STATUS, and the id. This means that is possible to have successful and failed commands in the same response, without one interfering with the other.

When possible, clump all the commands you need on a single multi-command request. Overall, doing this requires less resources and time spent, since everything is done in a single connection.

Convention used in the examples

For practical purposes, the examples in this documentation are all in the following format:

$ echo '{"command": "version", "parameter":"yJN2nlj1,1,8.9"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq
(command output goes here)

A quick breakdown:

  • echo just prints the string, which will be piped (|) to the next command.
  • nc just grabs the output of the previous command and sends it to $MINER_IP at the default port. You should either set $MINER_IP to the IP of the miner or just replace it altogether.
  • jq is completely optional; all it does is to nicely format the JSON output, so we can read it easily.

This is a neat convention because it allows to demonstrate the command and is easily copy-pasted for testing purposes, but feel free to adapt it to the available tools in your environment (e. g. telnet on Windows).

Command list

See Available commands.


The default miner configuration enables the API on port 4028 (the same number as CGMiner). This is defined on the configuration file, luxminer.toml:

# API configuration
# This is divided in two parts - the TCP and HTTP configuration.
# The TCP configuration has two fields:
# - enabled: Defaults to true; when set to false no API calls will be allowed.
# - port: Defaults to 4028; it is the listening port of the TCP API
# The HTTP configuration have:
# - enabled: Defaults to true; when set to false no API calls will be allowed.
# - port: Defaults to 8080; it is the listening port of the HTTP API
enabled = true
port = 4028
enabled = true
port = 8080

As you can see, this controls in which port the API will listen. To disable the API, set the enabled field to false.

HTTP layer

If you're paying attention, you might be wondering what is the app.api.http configuration key shown in the Configuration section. This key controls the values to be used by the HTTP layer of the API.

The HTTP layer is a thin RPC-like API to allow for easier integration into the raw TCP API. The API has a single RPC enpoint, /api that accepts a JSON body via POST. If the body is a valid command (or a multi-command), it will be executed and the results will be returned in the HTTP response.

For example, this will show the miner version:

curl -X POST -d '{"command":"version"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  http://$MINER_IP:8080/api

When working with LUXminer, always favor the TCP API. It has the same functionality as the HTTP one, but is lighter and thus, produces less network traffic.

If you disable the HTTP layer, the built-in LUXminer UI won't be able to communicate with the miner.

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