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Learn how to enable and manage the AutoTuner feature on LuxOS.

LuxOS AutoTuner is a smart feature that automatically adjusts your system’s settings to reduce power usage without compromising performance. It works quietly in the background, continuously fine-tuning the speed and voltage of a profile, so that your hardware runs as efficiently as possible, while keeping your equipment healthy. This means you can enjoy lower energy consumption and stable performance effortlessly.


  • Automatic Optimization: Continuously adjusts frequency and voltage to minimize power consumption.
  • Quick Adjustment: Finds a good tune for each Preset Profile and returns to that spot after profile changes.
  • Performance Maintenance: Ensures chip health and stable hash rates are upheld.
  • User-Friendly Controls: Simple enable/disable functionality via LuxOS Commander or API.

Enabling AutoTuner

AutoTuner can be enabled either during the installation process or after installation using LuxOS Commander. Additionally, it can be activated programmatically via the LuxOS API.

Enable Autotuner from Commander

The time required for the AutoTuner to complete tuning a profile depends on several factors:

  • Temperature: Voltage and frequency calibrations are impacted by temperature. No machine will perform the exact same in different environments.
  • Machine and Chip Health: A healthy machine will tune better than an unhealthy machine.
  • Machine Model: Different models may have varying tuning durations.
  • Estimated Time: Tuning happens while the machine hashes without any hashrate loss. As soon as the AutoTuner is enabled your miner will be optimized, achieving the ideal hashrate and power consumption within ~1 hour.

Managing Tuned Profiles

If a tuned profile does not perform as expected, you can revert it to its original settings. To restore the profile, click the restore button next to the profile name under preset profiles to reset the voltage and frequency to their original values. You can also reset all profiles to their original state by using the 3 dot menu on the same page.

Tuned Profile Restore

Common Issues & Troubleshooting

  • AutoTuner does not work on custom profiles. When you create a custom profile, you explicitly state what voltage and frequency combo you want, so AutoTuner will not adjust it.
  • If the machine moves, or average temperatures change signifigately, you may want to retune your profiles to allow AutoTuner to readjust.

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