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Firmware/API Docs/CGminer commands


Basic configuration info



Lists basic runtime configuration information. This command exists mostly for CGMiner compatibility; if you are interested in changing the runtime configuration, it is better to look into luxminer-specific commands.


$ echo '{"command": "config"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq


$ echo '{"command": "config"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq
  "CONFIG": [
      "ASC Count": 3,
      "BcastAddr": "",
      "ControlBoardType": "xilinx",
      "Cooling": "Hydro",
      "CurtailMode": "Sleep",
      "DHCP": true,
      "DNS Servers": "",
      "Device Code": "",
      "FPGABuildIdHex": "0x22111417",
      "FPGABuildIdStr": "2022-11-14 17:00",
      "FeeStatus": "Ok",
      "Gateway": "",
      "Hostname": "LuxOS",
      "Hotplug": "None",
      "IPAddr": "",
      "ImmersionMode": false,
      "IsAtmEnabled": false,
      "IsPowerSupplyOn": false,
      "IsSingleVoltage": true,
      "IsTuning": false,
      "Log Interval": 0,
      "LogFileLevel": "info",
      "MACAddr": "d4:33:b2:5d:e0:56",
      "Model": "Antminer S19 XP Hydro",
      "NameplateTHS": 259.8,
      "Netmask": "",
      "OS": "LuxOS",
      "PGA Count": 0,
      "PSUHwVersion": "65",
      "PSULabel": "APW111721c",
      "Pool Count": 1,
      "Profile": "250MHz",
      "ProfileStep": "-5",
      "RedLed": "auto",
      "GreenLed": "auto",
      "PSUHwVersion": "00",
      "PSULabel": "Unknown",
      "Pool Count": 3,
      "SerialNumber": "HKYWSHFKSB76K900DG",
      "Strategy": "Failover",
      "SystemStatus": "Normal",
      "UpdateOnStartup": "off",
      "UpdateOnTimeout": "off",
      "UpdateOnUser": "full",
      "UpdateSource": "",
      "UpdateTimeout": 60
  "STATUS": [
      "Code": 33,
      "Description": "LUXminer 2024.10.3.150831-2f8692f0",
      "Msg": "LUXminer config",
      "STATUS": "S",
      "When": 1728343340
  "id": 1

Field details

ASC CountNumber of boards, as defined in luxminer.toml.
BcastAddrMiner broadcast address.
ControlBoardTypeReturns control board model, i.e. beaglebone, amlogic, xilinx or cvitek
CoolingReturns the machines cooling architecture Air, Hydro or Immersion
CurtailModeEither None, Sleep or WakeUp.
DHCPtrue if the miner is using a dynamic IP address.
DNS ServersComma-separated list of DNS servers.
Device CodeAlways "".
FPGABuildIdHexFPGA build ID, in hex.
FPGABuildIdStrFPGA build ID, as string.
FeeStatusFee connection status, either Ok or Failure
GatewayNetwork gateway.
HostnameMachine host name.
HotplugAlways "None".
IPAddrMiner IP address.
ImmersionModetrue if immersion mode is enabled.
IsAtmEnabledtrue if ATM is enabled.
IsPowerSupplyOntrue if the power supply is on.
IsSingleVoltagetrue if the machine supports only a single voltage value.
IsTuningtrue if the autotuner is running.
Log IntervalAlways zero.
LogFileLevelLog level to be used for the log files
MACAddrMiner MAC address.
ModelMiner model.
NameplateTHSThe nameplate hashrate, in TH/s, assuming 3 boards in the default configuration.
NetmaskNetwork mask.
OSAlways "LuxOS".
PGA CountAlways zero.
PSUHwVersionHardware version of the PSU.
PSULabelLabel of the PSU. Can be classified as Unknown, even if the PSU is supported.
Pool CountNumber of pools, as defined on luxminer.toml.
SerialNumberControl board serial number. Might be empty.
ProfileName of the current profile.
ProfileStepThe relative position of this profile, considering 'default' as zero. For user-created profiles, the value is always empty.
RedLedThe red front panel LED, can be either "off", "on", "blink" or "auto".
GreenLedThe green front panel LED, can be either "off", "on", "blink" or "auto".
StrategyAlways "Failover".
SystemStatusEither Normal or Initializing.
UpdateOnStartupEither off, download, apply or full.
UpdateOnTimeoutEither off, download, apply or full.
UpdateOnUserEither off, download, apply or full.
UpdateSourceThe source location of the updates.
UpdateTimeoutThe timeout to trigger auto updates. Used only if UpdateOnTimeout is not off.

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