Firmware (LuxOS)
API Docs
CGminer commands



Shows the details of a single ASIC board. This command requires the board ID as a parameter (starts at zero).


$ echo '{"command": "asc", "parameter": "0"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq


$ echo '{"command": "asc", "parameter": "0"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq
  "ASC": [
      "ASC": 0,
      "Accepted": 63,
      "Board": "S9Generic",
      "Connector": "J6",
      "ControllerIPVersionHex": "0x0",
      "ControllerIPVersionStr": "N/A",
      "Device Elapsed": 2312,
      "Device Hardware%": 0,
      "Device Rejected%": 0,
      "Diff1 Work": 2064384,
      "Difficulty Accepted": 2064384,
      "Difficulty Rejected": 0,
      "Enabled": "Y",
      "Hardware Error MHS 15m": 0,
      "Hardware Errors": 0,
      "ID": 0,
      "IsRamping": false,
      "IsUserShutdown": false,
      "Last Share Difficulty": 32768,
      "Last Share Pool": 1,
      "Last Share Time": 1672770053,
      "Last Valid Work": 1672770053,
      "MHS 15m": 4565123.138341468,
      "MHS 1m": 5034846.995524266,
      "MHS 30m": 4565123.138341468,
      "MHS 5m": 4527239.127367679,
      "MHS 5s": 4398046.511104,
      "MHS 60m": 4565123.138341468,
      "MHS av": 4540766.995326547,
      "Name": "",
      "Nominal MHS": 4668300.0,
      "Profile": "default",
      "Rejected": 0,
      "Status": "Alive",
      "Temperature": 76.0,
      "Total MH": 4540766.995326547,
      "Utility": 0
  "STATUS": [
      "Code": 106,
      "Description": "LUXminer 2024.2.19.131822-ef17c0c4",
      "Msg": "ASC0",
      "STATUS": "S",
      "When": 1672770089
  "id": 1

Field details

ASCBoard number, starting from zero.
AcceptedNumber of accepted shares.
BoardModel of the hashboard.
ConnectorName of the connector.
ControllerIPVersionHexASIC Controller IP, as hex.
ControllerIPVersionStrASIC Controller IP, as string.
Device ElapsedElapsed seconds since the board is started.
Device Hardware%Always zero.
Device Rejected%Always zero.
Diff1 WorkSum of accepted diff and rejected diff.
Difficulty AcceptedSum of difficulty of accepted shares.
Difficulty RejectedSum of difficulty of rejected shares.
EnabledY if the board is enabled, N if not.
Hardware Error MHS 15mAlways zero.
Hardware ErrorsTotal number of CRC/Hash errors.
IDSame as ASC.
IsRampingtrue if this board is ramping.
IsUserShutdowntrue when the board was shutdown due to user action.
Last Share DifficultyDifficulty of the last accepted share.
Last Share PoolID of the pool of the last accepted share.
Last Share TimeUnix time of the last accepted share.
Last Valid WorkSame as Last Share Time.
MHS 60mHashrate, in MH/s, for the last 60 minutes.
MHS 30mHashrate, in MH/s, for the last 30 minutes.
MHS 15mHashrate, in MH/s, for the last 15 minutes.
MHS 1mHashrate, in MH/s, for the last minute.
MHS 5mHashrate, in MH/s, for the last 5 minutes.
MHS 5sHashrate, in MH/s, for the last 5 seconds.
MHS avAverage board hashrate.
NameAlways blank.
Nominal MHSNominal hashrate, in MH/s.
ProfileCurrent board profile. See profiles for details.
RejectedNumber of rejected shares.
StatusEither "Alive" or "Dead".
IsRampingtrue if the board is ramping.
TemperatureBoard temperature (in celsius)
Total MHSame as MHS av.
UtilityAlways zero.