Shows the details of a single ASIC board. This command requires the board
ID as a parameter (starts at zero).
$ echo '{"command": "asc", "parameter": "0"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq
$ echo '{"command": "asc", "parameter": "0"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq
"ASC": [
"ASC": 0,
"Accepted": 63,
"Board": "S9Generic",
"Connector": "J6",
"ControllerIPVersionHex": "0x0",
"ControllerIPVersionStr": "N/A",
"Device Elapsed": 2312,
"Device Hardware%": 0,
"Device Rejected%": 0,
"Diff1 Work": 2064384,
"Difficulty Accepted": 2064384,
"Difficulty Rejected": 0,
"Enabled": "Y",
"Hardware Error MHS 15m": 0,
"Hardware Errors": 0,
"ID": 0,
"IsRamping": false,
"IsUserShutdown": false,
"Last Share Difficulty": 32768,
"Last Share Pool": 1,
"Last Share Time": 1672770053,
"Last Valid Work": 1672770053,
"MHS 15m": 4565123.138341468,
"MHS 1m": 5034846.995524266,
"MHS 30m": 4565123.138341468,
"MHS 5m": 4527239.127367679,
"MHS 5s": 4398046.511104,
"MHS 60m": 4565123.138341468,
"MHS av": 4540766.995326547,
"Name": "",
"Nominal MHS": 4668300.0,
"Profile": "default",
"Rejected": 0,
"Status": "Alive",
"Temperature": 76.0,
"Total MH": 4540766.995326547,
"Utility": 0
"Code": 106,
"Description": "LUXminer 2024.2.19.131822-ef17c0c4",
"Msg": "ASC0",
"STATUS": "S",
"When": 1672770089
"id": 1
Field details
Field | Notes |
ASC | Board number, starting from zero. |
Accepted | Number of accepted shares. |
Board | Model of the hashboard. |
Connector | Name of the connector. |
ControllerIPVersionHex | ASIC Controller IP, as hex. |
ControllerIPVersionStr | ASIC Controller IP, as string. |
Device Elapsed | Elapsed seconds since the board is started. |
Device Hardware% | Always zero. |
Device Rejected% | Always zero. |
Diff1 Work | Sum of accepted diff and rejected diff. |
Difficulty Accepted | Sum of difficulty of accepted shares. |
Difficulty Rejected | Sum of difficulty of rejected shares. |
Enabled | Y if the board is enabled, N if not. |
Hardware Error MHS 15m | Always zero. |
Hardware Errors | Total number of CRC/Hash errors. |
ID | Same as ASC . |
IsRamping | true if this board is ramping. |
IsUserShutdown | true when the board was shutdown due to user action. |
Last Share Difficulty | Difficulty of the last accepted share. |
Last Share Pool | ID of the pool of the last accepted share. |
Last Share Time | Unix time of the last accepted share. |
Last Valid Work | Same as Last Share Time . |
MHS 60m | Hashrate, in MH/s, for the last 60 minutes. |
MHS 30m | Hashrate, in MH/s, for the last 30 minutes. |
MHS 15m | Hashrate, in MH/s, for the last 15 minutes. |
MHS 1m | Hashrate, in MH/s, for the last minute. |
MHS 5m | Hashrate, in MH/s, for the last 5 minutes. |
MHS 5s | Hashrate, in MH/s, for the last 5 seconds. |
MHS av | Average board hashrate. |
Name | Always blank. |
Nominal MHS | Nominal hashrate, in MH/s. |
Profile | Current board profile. See profiles for details. |
Rejected | Number of rejected shares. |
Status | Either "Alive" or "Dead" . |
IsRamping | true if the board is ramping. |
Temperature | Board temperature (in celsius) |
Total MH | Same as MHS av . |
Utility | Always zero. |