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Firmware/API Docs/CGminer commands


Lists all pools



Lists all the pools, in order, and their statistics. On luxminer, this command outputs an extra GROUP field, to indicate the pool group.


$ echo '{"command": "pools"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq


$ echo '{"command": "pools"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq
  "POOLS": [
      "Accepted": 179,
      "AsicBoost": true,
      "Bad Work": 0,
      "Best Share": 262144,
      "Current Block Height": 0,
      "Current Block Version": 536870912,
      "Diff": "32K",
      "Diff1 Shares": 6094848,
      "Difficulty Accepted": 6094848,
      "Difficulty Rejected": 0,
      "Difficulty Stale": 0,
      "Discarded": 0,
      "GROUP": 0,
      "Get Failures": 0,
      "Getworks": 148,
      "Has GBT": false,
      "Has Stratum": true,
      "Has Vmask": true,
      "Last Share Difficulty": 32768,
      "Last Share Time": "00:00:16",
      "Long Pool": "N",
      "POOL": 0,
      "Pool Rejected%": 0.0,
      "Pool Stale%": 0.0,
      "Priority": 0,
      "Proxy": "",
      "Proxy Type": "",
      "Quota": 1.0,
      "Rejected": 0,
      "Remote Failures": 0,
      "Stale": 0,
      "Status": "Alive",
      "Stratum Active": true,
      "Stratum Difficulty": 32768,
      "Stratum URL": "",
      "URL": "stratum+tcp://",
      "User": "worker",
      "Work Difficulty": 32768,
      "Works": 0
  "STATUS": [
      "Code": 7,
      "Description": "LUXminer 2024.2.19.131822-ef17c0c4",
      "Msg": "1 Pool(s)",
      "STATUS": "S",
      "When": 1672770089
  "id": 1

Field details

AcceptedNumber of accepted shares.
AsicBoostAlways true.
Bad WorkAlways zero.
Best ShareHighest difficulty accepted.
Current Block HeightAlways zero.
Current Block VersionCurrent version, according to pool.
Diff1 SharesTotal difficulty of accepted, rejected and stale shares.
DiffA formatted string of the last share difficulty (rounded).
Difficulty AcceptedTotal difficulty of accepted shares.
Difficulty RejectedTotal difficulty of rejected, non-stale shares.
Difficulty StaleTotal difficulty of stale shares.
DiscardedAlways zero.
Get FailuresAlways zero.
GetworksNumber of received jobs from the server.
Has GBTAlways false.
Has StratumAlways true.
Has VmaskAlways true
Last Share DifficultyDifficulty of the last accepted share.
Last Share TimeA formatted string with the time elapsed since the last accepted share.
Long PoolAlways "N".
Pool Rejected%Percentage of rejected, non-stale shares.
Pool Stale%Percentage of stale shares.
PrioritySame as POOL.
ProxyAlways "".
Proxy TypeAlways "".
QuotaQuota of the group that this pool belongs.
RejectedNumber of rejected, non-stale shares.
Remote FailuresAlways zero.
StaleNumber of stale shares.
StatusStatus of the pool connection. Can be Dead, Connecting, Alive or Disabled.
Stratum Activetrue when the pool is in Alive state, otherwise false.
Stratum DifficultyDifficulty of the pool.
Stratum URLURL of the pool.
URLSame as Stratum URL, but with the protocol prefix.
UserStratum user.
Work DifficultySame as Last Share Difficulty.
WorksAlways zero.

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