Firmware/API Docs/CGminer commands
Summary of mining statistics
Provides the summary of all miner statistics.
Field details
Field | Notes |
Accepted | Total number of accepted shares. |
Best Share | Highest accepted share difficulty. |
Device Hardware% | Always zero. |
Device Rejected% | Always zero. |
Difficulty Accepted | Total difficulty of accepted shares. |
Difficulty Rejected | Total difficulty of rejected, non-stale shares. |
Difficulty Stale | Total difficulty of stale shares. |
Discarded | Always zero. |
Elapsed | Number of seconds since the miner started. |
Found Blocks | Always zero. |
Get Failures | Always zero. |
Getworks | Total number of jobs received. |
Hardware Errors | Total number of CRC/Hash errors. |
Last getwork | Unix time of the last received job. |
Local Work | Always zero. |
GHS 30m | Hashrate, in GH/s, of the last 30 minutes. |
GHS 5s | Hashrate, in GH/s, of the last 5 seconds. |
GHS av | Average hashrate in GH/s. |
Network Blocks | Always zero. |
Pool Rejected% | Percentage of rejected, non-stale shares. |
Pool Stale% | Percentage of stale shares. |
Rejected | Number of rejected, non-stale shares. |
Remote Failures | Always zero. |
Stale | Number of stale shares. |
Total MH | Same as GHS av , but in MH/s. |
Utility | Number of submitted shares per minute. |
Work Utility | Number of received jobs per minute. |