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Firmware/API Docs/LUXminer commands


Sets the LED mode



Sets the LED operational mode. This allows the user to manually override the LED pattern to, for example, locate a physical machine more easily.

The first parameter is the LED light you want to set:

redChanges the red LED.
greenChanges the green LED.

The second parameter is the mode which defines how the led should be handled:

autoAutomatic mode (the default). In this mode, LUXminer will decide what to do with the led.
onThe led is kept on until the user changes to a different mode.
offThe led is kept off until the user changes to a different mode.
blinkThe led will blink until the user changes to a different mode, often used to locate a miner.

The LED lights are used by LUXminer to communicate if the machine is working properly or if an abnormal situation is present. This helps operators quickly spot affected machine(s) for troubleshooting.

Because of this, it is advisable to keep the leds on the auto mode (the default) as much as possible. If you decide to change that via scripting for any reason, please be sure to communicate that to users and to "clean up" on exit by setting the default auto value when possible.


$ echo '{"command": "ledset", "parameter":"yJN2nlj1,red,blink"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq


The example below sets the red led to a continuous blink, overriding the system handling of the lights, often used to physically locate the miner.

$ echo '{"command": "ledset", "parameter":"yJN2nlj1,red,blink"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq
  "STATUS": [
      "Code": 320,
      "Description": "LUXminer 2025.2.21.171219-8a15ce44",
      "Msg": "LED mode set",
      "STATUS": "S",
      "When": 1667918080
  "id": 1

This sets the led mode to auto. In this mode LUXminer will handle how the led should react.

$ echo '{"command": "ledset", "parameter":"yJN2nlj1,red,auto"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq
  "STATUS": [
      "Code": 320,
      "Description": "LUXminer 2025.2.21.171219-8a15ce44",
      "Msg": "LED state set",
      "STATUS": "S",
      "When": 1667918090
  "id": 1


session_idA valid session ID. See Session Management for details.
ledWhich LED to set: "red" or "green".
modeThe desired mode. Can be on, off, blink or auto (the default).

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