Firmware (LuxOS)
API Docs
LUXMiner commands



Returns the details of a given profile, showing the default values in the PROFILE section, and the board-specific overrides in the BOARD section.


$ echo '{"command": "profileget", "parameter":"default"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq


$ echo '{"command": "profileget", "parameter":"default"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq
  "BOARD": [
      "Frequency": 300,
      "ID": 2,
      "Voltage": 8.692583312030031
      "Frequency": 350,
      "ID": 1,
      "Voltage": 8.692583312030031
  "PROFILE": [
      "CanRestore": false,
      "CanTune": false,
      "Frequency": 650,
      "Hashrate": 9.3,
      "IsDynamic": true,
      "IsTuned": false,
      "Profile Name": "default",
      "Step": "0",
      "Voltage": 8.9,
      "Watts": 898
  "STATUS": [
      "Code": 343,
      "Description": "LUXminer 2023.9.18.160152-40cdf0a",
      "Msg": "Profile details",
      "STATUS": "S",
      "When": 1695058376
  "id": 1

Field details

On the PROFILES section:

CanRestoretrue if the profile was tuned and can be restored.
CanTunetrue if the profile can be tuned.
FrequencyProfile default frequency.
HashrateEstimated hashrate, in TH/s.
IsDynamicReturns true if the profile is dynamic.
IsTunedReturns true if the profile is tuned.
Profile NameProfile name.
StepThe relative position of this profile, considering 'default' as zero. For user-created profiles, the value is always empty.
VoltageDefault profile voltage.
WattsEstimated power usage, in watts.

On the BOARD section:

FrequencyFrequency to be used for a particular board.
IDID of the board.
VoltageVoltage to be used for a particular board.