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Firmware/API Docs/LUXminer commands


Sets the autotupdate configuration



Sets the autoupdate configuration. The parameters are the session_id, followed by a comma-separated list of key-value pairs, in the format key=value. The available keys are:

  • source: url used to fetch updates.
  • timeout: number of minutes to trigger the on_timeout action.
  • on_startup: the action to execute on startup.
  • on_timeout: the action to take on timeout.
  • on_user: the action to trigger for manual user intervention.

The "action", on all cases, must either off (do nothing), download (only download updates), apply (only apply previously-downloaded updates) or full (download and apply; this is the default).

Providing an invalid key is an error, but a invalid action value will be interpreted as full, which is the default. You can specify only the keys you want to change, and it can be done in any order.

The current autoupdate configuration can be seen on the config command.

Note: If autosave is disabled, this command will always fail.


$ echo '{"command": "updateset", "parameter":"yJN2nlj1,on_startup=off,on_timeout=off,on_user=off"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq


In the example below, all triggers are set to off, essentially disabling auto update:

$ echo '{"command": "updateset", "parameter":"yJN2nlj1,on_startup=off,on_timeout=off,on_user=off"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq
  "STATUS": [
      "Code": 333,
      "Description": "LUXminer 2023.3.9-u0-38ac0913ca",
      "Msg": "Autoupdate configuration changed",
      "STATUS": "S",
      "When": 1667918173
  "id": 1


session_idA valid session ID. See Session Management for details.
paramsList of key-value parameters to change.

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