Firmware (LuxOS)
Knowledge Base
Network Troubleshooting

LuxOS Network Troubleshooting Guide


LuxOS miners may experience network connectivity issues due to various reasons. This guide aims to assist in identifying the root cause using common network diagnostic tools.


If a miner equipped with LuxOS firmware is suspected of experiencing network issues, consider the following steps using network diagnostic commands and tools:


These steps should be completed before rebooting the miner in question.


Step 1: Test Connectivity to the Local Network

Use ping to verify connectivity to other devices on the same local network:


Expected output should show successful responses. Example:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.045 ms

Step 2: Test Connectivity to External Resources

Ping a public DNS server like Google ( to verify external connectivity:


Expected output should also show successful responses.


If the local network test succeeds but the external test fails, this may indicate a problem with the network's gateway or firewall configuration.


Step 1: Trace the Path to the Local Network Gateway

Use traceroute to trace the path to the local gateway:


The output should show the series of hops to reach the gateway.

Step 2: Trace the Path to External Resources

Use traceroute to trace the path to a public server like Google:


This output will show the hops between the miner and Google's DNS server.


If traceroute indicates packet loss or excessive delays at any hop, this may identify where network connectivity is being disrupted.


Step 1: Verify DNS Resolution

Use nslookup to verify DNS resolution for an external domain:


Expected output should include the IP addresses of Google's servers.

Step 2: Specify a Different DNS Server

To confirm whether the issue lies with a specific DNS server, specify an alternative server like Google's (


If successful, the DNS server specified in the miner's configuration may be causing resolution issues.

Network Monitoring via Wireshark

Step 1: Capture Network Traffic

  1. Install Wireshark: Download and install Wireshark from the official Wireshark website (opens in a new tab) on the computer that is on the same network as your miner.

  2. Identify the Network Interface:

    • Open Wireshark.
    • You will see a list of network interfaces available on your computer.
    • Select the network interface that is connected to the same network as the miner. This is usually an Ethernet connection if the miner and the computer are connected to the same router or switch.
  3. Start Capturing Packets:

    • Click on the chosen network interface to start capturing packets.
    • To reduce the amount of data and focus on the miner, you can use a capture filter.
  4. Apply a Capture Filter (Optional):

    • Before starting the capture, set a filter to only capture traffic to and from the miner's IP address.
    • In the capture filter bar at the top of the Wireshark window, type: ip.addr == [Miner's IP Address] and hit Enter. Replace [Miner's IP Address] with the actual IP address of your miner.
  5. Analyze the Traffic:

    • Let Wireshark run for a sufficient amount of time to capture the interactions of your miner.
    • You will see packets flowing in and out if the miner is actively communicating on the network.
    • Look for any anomalies, such as repeated connection attempts or unusual volumes of traffic, which might indicate issues.
  6. Stop the Capture:

    • Once you have captured enough data, click on the stop button in Wireshark (red square icon) to halt packet capturing.
  7. Save or Export the Capture (Optional):

    • You can save the capture by going to File -> Save As to analyze it later or to share it with someone else for further analysis.


Wireshark User Guide (opens in a new tab)