Firmware (LuxOS)
Advanced Features

Advanced Options

NoPIC Shutdown

LuxOS is able to run any miner (PIC & NoPIC) with a hashboard powered off. However, by default, LuxOS will power off NoPIC miners by powering off hashboards and disabling the PSU when a hashboard fails preventing from sending voltage to failing hashboards. This feature can be disabled by the user. To do so, go to the Advanced Settings section and disable the NoPICProtectionMode setting. Alternatively, users can disable this functionality through the API by calling the hashboardoptsset command or with LuxOS Commander (opens in a new tab).


As standard behavior, LuxOS will attempt to recover a hashboard that was powered off due to reaching the dangerous temperature. If the hashboard is still reaching the dangerous temperature after 5 attempts of being powered on, LuxOS will power off the hashboard and will not attempt to further recover it. This behavior can be disabled by the user. To do so, go to the Advanced Settings section and disable the OverTempAutoRecovery setting. Alternatively, users can disable this functionality through the API by calling the hashboardoptsset command or with LuxOS Commander (opens in a new tab). If this feature is disabled, LuxOS will turn off hashboards and disable the PSU when any hashboard reaches the dangerous temperature.