Revenue & Payments


Payments by Time Interval

Payments issued by the pool carry network transactions fees that are split across all the outputs of a transaction. With every withdrawal you will receive your outstanding balance minus the split of the network transaction fee. This value can change with mempool congestion.

Payments by Threshold

For a more personalized approach, you can set your own payment threshold (cryptocurrency amount) and time interval (1 to 24 hours) to schedule your mining proceeds withdrawals. Once your balance reaches both thresholds (amount and time interval since the previous payout), our payment processor will automatically issue a payout to your stored address, withdrawing your entire balance at the time of payment.

The payment processor runs every hour on the top of the hour.

Payment Thresholds

Equihash Switch0.0010.5

In order to receive a payment you must exceed the minimum payment threshold. Otherwise the Payment Processor won't issue one.

Missing Payouts

If you don't see payouts in your wallet, check the coin's Blockchain Explorer to locate the transaction. If the transaction is listed, re-sync your wallet with the blockchain to ensure all your coins are accounted for. If unsuccessful, consider restoring the wallet from your seeds.

Wrong Wallet Address

Remember, the unique beauty of blockchain is its permanence, meaning it can't be modified - not even by us at Luxor. So, as you venture into your mining journey, make sure to double-check your payout address when updating your payment preferences. This simple step will ensure a seamless experience and help you avoid any missteps.

Checking and Extracting Mining Revenue

The 'Revenue' section is where you can review and extract your fleet revenue.

You have the ability to view numbers for the following at the top of the page:

  • Pending Balance
  • All Time Payouts
  • 24 Hour Revenue
  • 30 Day Revenue at top of page.

Transactions Table

Filter by date, view, and export data from the Transactions table

“Export” button → CSV data automatically generated/downloaded

Revenue History Table

View and export data from the Revenue History table

“Export” button → CSV data automatically generated/downloaded

Setting Up Payments

You can reach the new miner dashboard by selecting “Subaccount Management” in the lefthand menu.

Select “Wallet” tab to manage your wallet and payment settings.

Manage Payments

Gear icon “Manage Payments” button (top right) to open BTC Settings modal → Select “By Threshold” or “By Time Interval” tab



The green dot near either By Threshold or By Time Interval option indicate which option is currently enabled. Per default we enable the by Threshold.

  • By Threshold
    • Type desired amount number into “Threshold” text input field
    • Type desired amount number into “Auto-withdraw” text input field
    • “Update Wallet” button to save changes and close modal
  • By Time Interval
    • Choose desired time under “Select Frequency” dropdown menu
    • “Update Wallet” button to save changes and close modal

Edit Existing Wallet Information

Select pencil icon next to existing wallet name to open “Wallet Settings” modal

  • Type desired name into “Wallet Name” text input field
  • Type/Paste desired wallet address in “Payout Address” text input field
  • “Update Wallet” button to save changes and close modal
  • “Delete Wallet” button to remove this existing listed wallet

Add New Wallet

  • Select “Add Wallet” button at the bottom of the screen to open “Create new BTC wallet address” modal
  • Type desired name into “Wallet Name” text input field.