API Docs



A filter to be used against String fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

type StringFilter
type StringFilter {
  isNull: Boolean
  equalTo: String
  notEqualTo: String
  distinctFrom: String
  notDistinctFrom: String
  in: [String!]
  notIn: [String!]
  lessThan: String
  lessThanOrEqualTo: String
  greaterThan: String
  greaterThanOrEqualTo: String
  includes: String
  notIncludes: String
  includesInsensitive: String
  notIncludesInsensitive: String
  startsWith: String
  notStartsWith: String
  startsWithInsensitive: String
  notStartsWithInsensitive: String
  endsWith: String
  notEndsWith: String
  endsWithInsensitive: String
  notEndsWithInsensitive: String
  like: String
  notLike: String
  likeInsensitive: String
  notLikeInsensitive: String
  equalToInsensitive: String
  notEqualToInsensitive: String
  distinctFromInsensitive: String
  notDistinctFromInsensitive: String
  inInsensitive: [String!]
  notInInsensitive: [String!]
  lessThanInsensitive: String
  lessThanOrEqualToInsensitive: String
  greaterThanInsensitive: String
  greaterThanOrEqualToInsensitive: String
  • isNull (Boolean) Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).

  • equalTo (String) Equal to the specified value.

  • notEqualTo (String) Not equal to the specified value.

  • distinctFrom (String) Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.

  • notDistinctFrom (String) Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.

  • in ([String!]) Included in the specified list.

  • notIn ([String!]) Not included in the specified list.

  • lessThan (String) Less than the specified value.

  • lessThanOrEqualTo (String) Less than or equal to the specified value.

  • greaterThan (String) Greater than the specified value.

  • greaterThanOrEqualTo (String) Greater than or equal to the specified value.

  • includes (String) Contains the specified string (case-sensitive).

  • notIncludes (String) Does not contain the specified string (case-sensitive).

  • includesInsensitive (String) Contains the specified string (case-insensitive).

  • notIncludesInsensitive (String) Does not contain the specified string (case-insensitive).

  • startsWith (String) Starts with the specified string (case-sensitive).

  • notStartsWith (String) Does not start with the specified string (case-sensitive).

  • startsWithInsensitive (String) Starts with the specified string (case-insensitive).

  • notStartsWithInsensitive (String) Does not start with the specified string (case-insensitive).

  • endsWith (String) Ends with the specified string (case-sensitive).

  • notEndsWith (String) Does not end with the specified string (case-sensitive).

  • endsWithInsensitive (String) Ends with the specified string (case-insensitive).

  • notEndsWithInsensitive (String) Does not end with the specified string (case-insensitive).

  • like (String) Matches the specified pattern (case-sensitive). An underscore (_) matches any single character; a percent sign (%) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.

  • notLike (String) Does not match the specified pattern (case-sensitive). An underscore (_) matches any single character; a percent sign (%) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.

  • likeInsensitive (String) Matches the specified pattern (case-insensitive). An underscore (_) matches any single character; a percent sign (%) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.

  • notLikeInsensitive (String) Does not match the specified pattern (case-insensitive). An underscore (_) matches any single character; a percent sign (%) matches any sequence of zero or more characters.

  • equalToInsensitive (String) Equal to the specified value (case-insensitive).

  • notEqualToInsensitive (String) Not equal to the specified value (case-insensitive).

  • distinctFromInsensitive (String) Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value (case-insensitive).

  • notDistinctFromInsensitive (String) Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value (case-insensitive).

  • inInsensitive ([String!]) Included in the specified list (case-insensitive).

  • notInInsensitive ([String!]) Not included in the specified list (case-insensitive).

  • lessThanInsensitive (String) Less than the specified value (case-insensitive).

  • lessThanOrEqualToInsensitive (String) Less than or equal to the specified value (case-insensitive).

  • greaterThanInsensitive (String) Greater than the specified value (case-insensitive).

  • greaterThanOrEqualToInsensitive (String) Greater than or equal to the specified value (case-insensitive).


A filter to be used against Int fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

type IntFilter
type IntFilter {
  isNull: Boolean
  equalTo: Int
  notEqualTo: Int
  distinctFrom: Int
  notDistinctFrom: Int
  in: [Int!]
  notIn: [Int!]
  lessThan: Int
  lessThanOrEqualTo: Int
  greaterThan: Int
  greaterThanOrEqualTo: Int
  • isNull (Boolean) Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).

  • equalTo (Int) Equal to the specified value.

  • notEqualTo (Int) Not equal to the specified value.

  • distinctFrom (Int) Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.

  • notDistinctFrom (Int) Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.

  • in ([Int!]) Included in the specified list.

  • notIn ([Int!]) Not included in the specified list.

  • lessThan (Int) Less than the specified value.

  • lessThanOrEqualTo (Int) Less than or equal to the specified value.

  • greaterThan (Int) Greater than the specified value.

  • greaterThanOrEqualTo (Int) Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A filter to be used against Datetime fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

type DatetimeFilter
type DatetimeFilter {
  isNull: Boolean
  equalTo: Datetime
  notEqualTo: Datetime
  distinctFrom: Datetime
  notDistinctFrom: Datetime
  in: [Datetime!]
  notIn: [Datetime!]
  lessThan: Datetime
  lessThanOrEqualTo: Datetime
  greaterThan: Datetime
  greaterThanOrEqualTo: Datetime
  • isNull (Boolean) Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).

  • equalTo (Datetime) Equal to the specified value.

  • notEqualTo (Datetime) Not equal to the specified value.

  • distinctFrom (Datetime) Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.

  • notDistinctFrom (Datetime) Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.

  • in ([Datetime!]) Included in the specified list.

  • notIn ([Datetime!]) Not included in the specified list.

  • lessThan (Datetime) Less than the specified value.

  • lessThanOrEqualTo (Datetime) Less than or equal to the specified value.

  • greaterThan (Datetime) Greater than the specified value.

  • greaterThanOrEqualTo (Datetime) Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A filter to be used against MiningProfileName fields. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

type MiningProfileNameFilter
type MiningProfileNameFilter {
  isNull: Boolean
  equalTo: MiningProfileName
  notEqualTo: MiningProfileName
  distinctFrom: MiningProfileName
  notDistinctFrom: MiningProfileName
  in: [MiningProfileName!]
  notIn: [MiningProfileName!]
  lessThan: MiningProfileName
  lessThanOrEqualTo: MiningProfileName
  greaterThan: MiningProfileName
  greaterThanOrEqualTo: MiningProfileName
enum MiningProfileName {
  • isNull (Boolean) Is null (if true is specified) or is not null (if false is specified).

  • equalTo (MiningProfileName) Equal to the specified value.

  • notEqualTo (MiningProfileName) Not equal to the specified value.

  • distinctFrom (MiningProfileName) Not equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.

  • notDistinctFrom (MiningProfileName) Equal to the specified value, treating null like an ordinary value.

  • in (MiningProfileName!) Included in the specified list.

  • notIn (MiningProfileName!) Not included in the specified list.

  • lessThan (MiningProfileName) Less than the specified value.

  • lessThanOrEqualTo (MiningProfileName) Less than or equal to the specified value.

  • greaterThan (MiningProfileName) Greater than the specified value.

  • greaterThanOrEqualTo (MiningProfileName) Greater than or equal to the specified value.


A filter to be used against Miner object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

type MinerFilter
type MinerFilter {
  rowId: IntFilter
  userId: IntFilter
  miningProfileName: MiningProfileNameFilter
  user: UserFilter
  and: [MinerFilter!]
  or: [MinerFilter!]
  not: MinerFilter


A filter to be used against User object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

type UserFilter
type UserFilter {
  rowId: IntFilter
  username: StringFilter
  createdAt: DatetimeFilter
  updatedAt: DatetimeFilter
  miners: UserToManyMinerFilter
  minersExist: Boolean
  and: [UserFilter!]
  or: [UserFilter!]
  not: UserFilter


A filter to be used against many Miner object types. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

type UserToManyMinerFilter
type UserToManyMinerFilter {
  every: MinerFilter
  some: MinerFilter
  none: MinerFilter
  • every (MinerFilter) Every related Miner matches the filter criteria. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

  • some (MinerFilter) Some related Miner matches the filter criteria. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’

  • none (MinerFilter) No related Miner matches the filter criteria. All fields are combined with a logical ‘and.’