

ASIC Miner Toolkits, and Mining Efficiency for Luxor Mining Pool.

Watcher Links

To generate a view only watcher link you can share with third-parties or technicians to monitor workers and hashrate navigate to Subaccount Management > Watcher Links and click on New Watcher Link.

Once you generate a watcher link you'll be able to copy and share with the final user. Through the UI you'll be able to delete a previuosly provisioned watcher link, this action will remove the access token permissions and the watcher link won't be useful.

Watcher links data is constricted to a subaccount hashrate data. If you want to grant someone access to all your subaccounts including financial data (optional) visit the Subaccount Delegation section.

Worker Status

To allow our miners to identify quickly which of their workers (ASICs or GPUs) are hashing optimally and which aren't we created 3 new statuses.

  • Active (green) means that the worker has submitted shares in the last 2 minutes.
  • Warning (yellow) means no shares were received for more than 2 minutes but less than 5 minutes.
  • Dead (red) means that the worker has not submitted shares for 5 minutes or more.

Miner Tags

Find the miner dashboard by selecting “Miners & Revenue” in the lefthand menu. Then, find the 'Workers Table' at the bottom.

Here is how to create a 'Miner Tag'. See top of table → Select Add “+” button next to “Tags” → “Create Tag” modal will open

  • Type name in “Group Name” text input field
  • Search worker names in “Add Workers” → Select worker name(s) from list → Select tag color → “Save Changes” button to close modal

Setting Up Notifications

Reach the notifications tab by selecting “Settings” in the lefthand menu.

This “Notifications” tab has 2 sections:


Under “Thresholds” you can send a notification when hashrate drops by

  • “Enable” toggle to activate → Select percentage point on linear scale a notification when hashrate drops by
  • Type desired email address into “Send Notifications To” text input field → Select add “+” button

Efficiency Subaccount

Under “Thresholds” you can send a notification when efficiency drops by

  • “Enable” toggle to activate → Select percentage point on linear scale a notification when hashrate drops by
  • Type desired email address into “Send Notifications To” text input field → Select add “+” button

Miner Uptime

We scan every minute in a day (according to UTC time) for shares submitted by each machine. If the miner submits shares, then we mark this as uptime; if the miner does not submit shares, then we mark the machine as disconnected from the pool. We aggregate the result for the day and share the uptime on a percentage basis.

Few considerations to keep in mind:

  • If a miner stops hashing on the current day, it won't be included in a future day's calculation.
  • If you rename a miner, we will consider it disconnected from the pool.
  • It's impossible for Luxor to differentiate between curtailment, maintenance, or other circumstances that might result in a miner not hashing.

Data is presented at 1 AM UTC for the previous UTC day.

Calculation example:

  • Miner 1 = 1,440 minutes hashing
  • Miner 2 = 720 minutes hashing
  • Miner 3 = 360 minutes hashing

Subaccount uptime: (1,440 + 720 + 360) / 3 / 1,440 * 100 = 58%

Rejection Rate

There are three main types of shares that can be submitted: accepted, stale and rejected shares.

  • Accepted Shares: This is work that is acceptable to the pool and the miner is rewarded for this shares. To consider a share valid it needs to be submitted for a current job and meet the pool difficulty target.
  • Stale Shares: Shares that if submitted for the current job would be considered as valid (accepted). Stale usually occur after a chain tip update.
  • Rejected Shares: Shares submitted by the miner that does not contribute to block discovery (can't actually be used) and the miner does not receive a reward for it.

Improving Efficiency

A high share rejection rate can be caused by a number of reasons.

Firmware Issues

If you installed custom firmware make sure to check on the reject rate, also some firmware may get corrupted or needs to be updated. If you are having trouble contact the firmware developer or the ASIC manufacturer.

Machine Quality

Some ASICs have higher rejects than others due to the nature of the build. Even within the same manufacturer and same model ASICs are slightly different. So there is no standard across the industry and some machines are known for being a bit faulty.


There is a fair amount of data transmission during the mining process so your connection to our mining pool server has an impact on the rejection rate.

Run a ping test to our Stratum server like stratum+tcp:// Ping times should be below 100ms.

ASIC Temperature

The higher the temperature above the specified level, the more likely of rejected shares. Make sure to try to operate your ASICs in the operating band provided by the manufacturers.