Firmware (LuxOS)
luxos (python)

Installing Luxos

If you're familiar with the python ecosystem and venv (opens in a new tab), you can safely skip the rest of this document.

All you need is:

$> pip install luxos
# to upgrade it
$> pip install --upgrade luxos
# to verify the current version
$> python -c "import luxos; print(luxos.__version__, luxos.__hash__)"
0.0.7 27e53c7b37ac1bbb88112f3c931b9cd8f1a74a3a

These are the end2end instructions to install luxos package, starting from scratch, feel free to skip steps not relevant to your particular case.

Install the system python interpreter

Here there are many choices, depending on the platform.

Head to python (opens in a new tab) and download the most recent installer following the on-screen instructions.

Once you have your system wide python installed, you can work creating a virtual env.


No matter how you installed your main python interpreter, just make sure you're installing python3.x and not python2.x, this command should show something reasonable:

$> python3 --version
Python 3.12.3

Creating and using a virtual environment

Python can maintain mutiple environment side-by-side, with one environment set to run tests, one to create documentation, another with another packages set for a different project and so on.

The steps to follow once the main system python interpreter is installed, are simple:

  1. create a new environment in a directory
  2. "activate" the newly create environmen
  3. install the packages

Creating a new environment

This will create a new environment under venv under the current directory

bash $> python3 -m venv $(pwd)/venv

Activating the environment

Each time you need to use and environment, you can source the activate script that set for you the PATH and other variables.

bash $> source $(pwd)/venv/bin/activate

Using the newly creating environemnt

From an activated environment you can use pip to install python packages:

(venv) $> pip install luxos
(venv) $> python3 -m pip install luxos